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Laser hair removal is a transformative beauty treatment that harnesses the power of light to gently and effectively remove unwanted hair, leaving your skin soft, supple, and radiant. With laser treatments, you can finally say goodbye to your razors and waxing appointments and achieve almost permanently smooth, hair-free skin.

Say Goodbye to Razor Burns & Waxing Pain

Say goodbye to the discomfort of razor burns and the agony of waxing pain. Unlike traditional hair removal methods, laser hair removal is non-invasive and painless. You’ll no longer have to endure the discomfort of hot wax or the nicks and cuts from a razor blade. The Beverly Hills Sculptress performs laser hair removal using the cutting-edge Forever BARE BBL laser for a pain-free experience that leaves you with smooth and radiant skin.

woman during laser treatments in Beverly Hills

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes concentrated beams of light to target and destroy hair follicles in a specific area. The laser emits pulses of light absorbed by the pigment in the hair, causing the hair to heat up and damage the follicle, preventing future hair growth. The treatment can be customized to your skin type, hair color, and treatment area. Laser treatments is a safe and effective way to achieve long-lasting hair reduction.

Treatment Areas:

  • Legs
  • Underarms
  • Bikini area
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Arms
  • Upper lip
  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Hands
  • Feet
  • Shoulders
  • Stomach
  • Buttocks

How Laser Hair Removal Works

Laser hair removal targets the hair’s pigment, also called melanin, with concentrated beams of light. The melanin absorbs the light, which causes the hair to heat up, and the hair follicle is damaged, preventing future hair growth. The light energy is delivered to the hair through a handheld device that is moved over the treatment area. The device emits a specific wavelength of light absorbed by the melanin in the hair, leaving the surrounding skin unharmed.

We Use the Forever BARE BBL

The Beverly Hills Sculptress uses the state-of-the-art Forever BARE BBL device for laser hair removal. This innovative device utilizes in-motion technology and large spot sizes to ensure consistent and thorough results for every treatment. The intuitive interface allows our trained professionals to select the appropriate settings for your skin type and hair follicle size, ensuring your safety and comfort.

The device’s enhanced cooling system also makes laser treatments more comfortable and effective. With its magnetic gold adaptors, the device is versatile enough to be used on both small and contoured areas of the body. Using the Forever BARE BBL device reduces the number of maintenance treatments you require and optimizes the results, helping you achieve smooth, even-textured, and hair-free skin faster.

woman legs during laser treatments in Beverly Hills

Laser Hair Removal Works in the Anagen Phase

Hair growth occurs in several stages, and laser hair removal is most effective during the active growth phase. The anagen phase is when the hair follicle is still connected to the blood supply, allowing the laser to target and destroy it. Since only a portion of your hair follicles is in the anagen phase at any given time, multiple sessions are required to achieve the desired results. Most people need 6 to 8 sessions to achieve completely hair-free skin.

The 3 Stages of Hair Growth:


This is the active growth phase when hair is still attached to the hair follicle and growing. During this stage, the hair follicle is fully functional, and the root is firmly anchored to the base of the follicle. This is the best stage to target for laser treatments because the hair is still growing and connected to the blood supply that feeds the hair.


This is the transitional phase when hair growth slows down, and the hair follicle begins to shrink. The hair detaches from the blood supply, and the follicle starts to retract, causing the hair to become shorter and weaker. During this stage, laser hair removal is less effective, as the hair is not growing as actively.


This is the resting phase when hair is no longer growing, and the hair follicle is at its smallest size. The hair is fully detached from the blood supply and is no longer growing. Laser hair removal is ineffective during this stage, as the hair follicle is in a state of rest, and there is no growth for the laser to target.

Your Complete Laser Hair Removal Experience


Your laser hair removal journey begins with a consultation with our experienced professionals. We will discuss your medical history, skin type, and hair color to determine if laser hair removal suits you. We will also answer your questions and discuss your goals for the procedure. Finally, we will create a laser treatments plan tailored to your unique needs.


You will be asked to lie on a comfortable treatment bed, and a cooling gel will be applied to the treatment area. The Forever BARE BBL device will emit concentrated beams of light, targeting and destroying hair follicles in the targeted areas. The device’s large spot size ensures we can cover a larger area with each pulse, making the treatment faster.


After laser hair removal, you may experience mild redness and swelling in the treated area. This is normal and should subside within a few hours. You may also experience mild discomfort, and your skin will be photosensitive for a few days, so you should avoid direct sunlight. You can resume daily activities immediately, but please wear broad-spectrum sunscreen regularly.


The results from laser hair removal can vary, depending on the individual. However, most patients experience a significant reduction in hair growth after a few treatments. You may need 6 to 8 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart for optimal results, and your hair will grow sparser and thinner after each session. After the initial round of laser treatments in Beverly Hills, you may need maintenance treatments once or twice a year to maintain your results.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal:

  • Non-invasive treatment
  • No razor burns, cuts, or nicks
  • Little to no discomfort during treatment
  • Optimal precision
  • Permanently remove hair growth in targeted areas
  • Suitable for multiple treatment areas
  • Improves overall skin texture and quality
  • No harsh side effects or complications
  • No post-treatment downtime
Aesthetic Medicine Los Angeles

Meet the Beverly Hills Sculptress

Are you looking for a laser hair removal experience that combines artistry with science? Look no further than the Beverly Hills Sculptress. Led by Shea Denmark, our boutique aesthetic medical practice uses state-of-the-art equipment to provide the best possible results with minimal discomfort. Schedule a consultation and begin your journey to smooth, hair-free skin.

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